Meditation & Mathematics
Square One
Things that aren't
I tend to think in shapes.
An idea will often occur to me,
and then if I want to communicate that idea
to someone else
I have to translate it into language.
Into English.
Not everyone experiences
thought and language with this
flavor, with this texture.
And that's okay.
Different doesn't imply better
doesn't imply worse.
Different is just different.
There are many kinds of mathematics.
Maths, plural.
There are many kinds of meditation.
Some come wrapped in spirituality,
some don't.
I want to talk about some overlap,
the intersection of these two topics
as I experience them.
If you'd like to join me on this journey,
If not. That's cool too.
Welcome to Episode One of
[Project Name Here]
Math & Meditation
There is a skeleton.
It's true, there really is.
It's covered in a lot of flesh and skin and more than a little hair, but it's there.
This skeleton is mine.
I'm assuming you have a skeleton too.
That's my target demographic.
If you don't have a skeleton, you can still listen in, but this content may not be for you.
Welcome to the first episode of
Square One
Hello world!
I'm obsessed with things that aren't.
Things that are, but also, aren't.
I'll explain.
John Doe is the name of someone who isn't.
John Doe, if he lived somewhere
which he doesn't because he isn't.
But for the sake of argument let's say he did.
He'd live at
zero degrees latitude,
zero degrees longitude.
This is in the middle of the ocean
off the West Coast of Africa.
This location is called Null Island.
There's no island there.
Unless you're a database that sees empty lat-long coordinates and hallucinates two zeros.
Why am I obsessed with things that aren't?
That's a good question.
There are several answers, as there often are.
Our interests and passions bubble up out of that strange effervescent foam we call imagination. They often don't come with citations (and even when they do, those citations might not always be reliable).
There are reasons I think I am obsessed with intentionally meaningless objects, and I might be right about those reasons, or I might be wrong.
What is it?
Mathematics is an area of knowledge that includes the topics of numbers, formulas and related structures, shapes and the spaces in which they are contained, and quantities and their changes.
Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
I'm going to weave a bit of a narrative here. A story about characters that takes place in a setting.
Like ya do.
This story takes place in one's imagination.
Not one's imagination cosplaying a dark forest
or a far away galaxy.
This story takes place in the naked imagination.
This story is about a square.
Square is a character from the canon of math.
Known for their rivalry with Circle.
This Square has a name.
Their name is "One".
You might have told their story before.
"Back to Square One"
5 - John Doe
4 - Null Island
3 - Lorem Ipsum
2 - Tare Weight
1 - Grey Rock Method